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critical constraint中文是什么意思

用"critical constraint"造句"critical constraint"怎么读"critical constraint" in a sentence


  • 临界约束


  • We have decided to make important structural shifts in the plan to address the critical constraints that hold us back from achieving our objective of faster and more inclusive growth
  • Secondly , based on defining “ constraint ” , “ critical constraint resource ” , “ non - critical constraint resource ” , the author analyzed and expatiated the five steps technique of toc to resolve the enterprise management problem , accounted for the nine principles briefly which should be followed by the five steps technique
  • The product mix decision ( pmd ) , solved by toc technique , is defined how to deal with the product mix ( pm ) of the enterprise to achieve maximize profit with some resources constrains in a certain period , while on the side of the enterprise system , on the kernel principle of the system ’ s resources holistic optimization , and by virtue of critical constraint resource ( ccr )
用"critical constraint"造句  
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